Lenten Study

Lenten Study

Lenten Study Week 4

A study based on the study guide ‘Through the Eyes of Love’ by Rev Dr Ian Price Luke the Evangelist Though it seems unlikely that Luke was a first-hand witness of the life of Jesus, he nonetheless brings us a distinct and vital perspective on the way Christ formed his character. As much as any other writer of the New Testament, Luke helps us to understand the degree to…

Lenten Study Week 3

A study based on the study guide ‘Through the Eyes of Love’ by Rev Dr Ian Price The apostle John The Gospel According to John contains some of the loveliest and most powerful imagery of the New Testament. The author, traditionally identified as the apostle John, is also described as the “disciple whom Jesus loved” (see John 21:20-24). This gives us a major clue to the…

Lenten Study Week 2

A study based on the study guide ‘Through the Eyes of Love’ by Rev Dr Ian Price Mary Magdalene Of all the women introduced to us through the gospels, perhaps Mary Magdalene is the most interesting.

Lenten Study Week 1

A study based on the study guide ‘Through the Eyes of Love’ by Rev Dr Ian Price The New Testament is the record of the experience of people and communities whose lives were transformed around the belief that Jesus is Christ is the one who saves and sustains life. From the gospels to the book of the Revelation, we find many voices helping to shape the life of faith, voices…