Why not come and join us in 2025?
Regular Sunday Services
We meet at 10am each Sunday for a reasonably contemporary, relaxed yet God-centred worship service. The fourth Sunday of every month we share the sacrament of Holy Communion together. Our services usually finish around 11.30am.
Explorers & Godly Play
(In recess until February 2024) – Explorers is the name of our children’s program that happens during the Sunday service (during school terms). After about 15 minutes the children and their leaders go to a separate room and undertake their worship and learning time using the Godly Play program. The program is currently for children aged 4 to 12.
Youth Group
Our Junior Youth Group meets usually on the first Friday of each month from 6pm to 8pm (Feb – Dec). A time of connecting, fun, a short talk and some food too! Open to all 10 – 14 year olds.
Bible Study
We have a number of Bible Study groups that occur at various times during the week. Please contact us for more details.
Prayer is an important part of our life and witness. As well as a dedicated time together via video on Tuesday evenings, members are encouraged to pray on a daily basis.
There are regular events throughout the year where we gather together for fellowship. These include dinners and games nights etc.